A Mesei a Delal a Telid (A Taro Field is the Mother of Life)

The Pacific island nations are some of the countries most impacted by climate change. To offset the effects of ocean warming and coastal erosion, countries like Palau utilize traditional agriculture and farming techniques to protect their home.

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Environmentally Smart or Socio-ecologically Misguided? The Controversial Nature of Hydroelectric Infrastructure on the Snake River

Since their construction, the Snake River Dams have sparked controversy. As the need for renewable energy infrastructure grows, however, scientists, politicians, and civilians continue to debate over the sustainability and ethicality of these dams and their impacts on Indigenous sovereignty.

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Ocean Acidification is Killing our Beloved Shellfish

Through the process of ocean acidification, the lives of shellfish are deteriorating at a rapid rate. This not only affects these organisms, but it also impacts the marine environment, surrounding creatures, and the human population. With your help, we can raise awareness and promote conservation of our beloved oceans. 

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