Submit a Research Article

FieldNotes is seeking both written and visual submissions for our Winter 2025 issue! We aim to provide a platform for undergraduates to practice science communication, and primarily publish pieces about environmental research by UW students. We often publish articles about capstone projects (edited to appeal to our broad readership), but will not consider essays written for class assignments that did not involve significant independent student research (lab experiments, fieldwork, data analysis, etc.). Our editorial board will work with you to edit your article throughout Winter quarter and it will be featured in our annual issue in both digital and print forms. We're looking for completed or nearly completed research including data and graphs. If you'd still like to publish through the journal but are in the middle of your research or analysis, we invite you to write for our blog! Note that we are not accepting new blog submissions until Spring quarter at this time.

We welcome submissions from all UW majors and colleges. However, we will only accept submissions that pertain to environmental/ecological research. To be considered for our journal, please submit a short abstract/pitch for your piece below. To get an idea of the type of articles we publish, check out our Spring 2024 issue.

Contributing to the journal is a full-quarter commitment, so we expect authors to meet deadlines, respond to feedback on time, and communicate with the editorial board throughout the quarter. The submission deadline is January 27th (1/27/25) at midnight, but we will accept articles on a rolling basis so we recommend submitting your pitch as soon as possible.


Feature Article: Traditional peer-review format with introduction, methods, results, discussion. Around 3,000 words, 3-4 figures (1 per issue).

Research Communication: Shorter technical summary of your research written for a broad audience, typically incorporating photos of research in process. Around 1,000 words, 1-2 figures (5-7 per issue).

Photo Essay: Photo essays or other visual mediums (comics, etc.) that communicate your research with 10-12 images and short text captions (1-2 per issue).